• Question: How far into the Universe can humans travel feasibly?

    Asked by 22nebula21 to Arttu on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Arttu Rajantie

      Arttu Rajantie answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      With our current technology, I would say Mars is definitely feasible, although it would still be a big challenge, but that is pretty much the limit. However, once we get to Mars, travelling to other parts of the solar system is not a huge extra step.

      I am also sure that humans will travel to other stars at some point, but it will need significantly better technology. The Americans have recently started a 100-year starship project to develop this technologies in the next hundred years, so I think that is the kind of timescale we could be talking about.

      The next step would be other galaxies. I think eventually that may happen in some way, but with our currently knowledge of physics we don’t really know how.
