• Question: how hot is plasma compared to ice

    Asked by jayshah to Ceri on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Ceri Brenner

      Ceri Brenner answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Typically, the plasmas that we can produce in the lab using a laser pulse are about 10 million degrees, which is pretty much the temperature at the centre of the sun. However, there are some plasmas that exist naturally like in the magnetosphere, flames, fluorescent strip lighting that are only thousands of degrees. in order to maintain the plasma state, you tend to need very high temperatures, otherwise the electrons recombine with the ions and you get a normal gaseous state, which then cools to a liquid and then to a solid. so to answer your question, plasma is very very hot compared to ice, as to change a solid like ice, into a plasma, you need expose the material to very extreme conditions of heating.
