• Question: How the magnetic susceptibility of diamagnetic materials depends on the density of the material in a Magneto-Archimedes levitation? How can I investigate this?

    Asked by whiteheb to Arttu, Ceri, James_M, Monica, Philip on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Philip Dolan

      Philip Dolan answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      I think that Magneto-Archimedes levitation normally involves some form of superconducting magnet, which you might be able to get your hands on (they can be quite expensive tho). In addition you’d need some cryogens like liquid nitrogen or helium, which would be a bit of a nightmare in terms of health and safety. And then you’d need to be a bit clearer on exactly what it is you’re trying to find out. Varying something’s density is not an easy thing to do. It might very quickly turn into quite a complicated project!
