• Question: What's label plasma science?

    Asked by reporter911 to Ceri on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Ceri Brenner

      Ceri Brenner answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      do you know mean laser plasma science? it’s an area of physics where we use intense laser pulses to create a plasma as well as interact with the plasma at the same time. A laser pulse is just a very strong electromagnetic wave that has a very strong electric field associated with it. A plasma is like the fourth state of matter. It’s when the electrons in an atom have been given so much energy that they are able to escape the strong attraction of the positive nucleus (centre of the atom) and become free. What you then end up with is a charged gas. It’s a gas made up of negative electrons and positive ions all freely floating around. So when a laser pulse delves into a plasma cloud, the strong electric field of the laser interacts with the free electrons. It’s my job in laser plasma science to study that interaction and work how we can use it to build future technology.
